Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some good, some not so good

Good news! I slept great again last night, only getting up once and no hot flashes. I think this will continue and I will begin to feel better. It is nice to feel I'm on the right track.

Today was Weight Watcher weigh-in day. I gained 1 pound this week. Silly me... I guess I thought I'd done so well last week under very difficult conditions that I could loosen up a little this week. What was I thinking?!! I will never be able to "loosen up", EVER! Every time I open my mouth there is a decision to be made... yes or no, good or bad, on plan or not. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is very very hard.

I went to Costco yesterday and picked up a couple of new items to add variety to my menu. This always inspires me to have some interesting new food to include in my meal planning. Costco is good for having new and interesting things.

I just have to keep in mind that every food is ok, and every decision is ok. There is either a cost to pay or a reward to receive. Either way it is my decision. Here's to receiving more of those rewards this week!

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