Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm not there yet

3rd day using 2 sprays per day of the Evamist. Still having nightly hot flashes; last night a pretty bad one that lasted a while. It probably takes a few days for the extra dosage to get into my system.

Exercised at the gym the last 2 days. It is hard on my knees but I keep at it. My knees are so weak. I wonder if they are damaged permanently or if they will improve with the exercise. Working with a trainer is the best investment we have made in ourselves. She really keeps us going and challenges us (my husband, Al, and I train together with her). We have both improved a lot, getting stronger all the time. It feels great!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Who would have thought?!!

Baking soda actually works. Why didin't I have any idea about this before? Every night I take my 1 tsp baking soda in a cup of water and every night I have only had to get up once for the bathroom. This is amazing. Before I started this routine I got up at least 2 to 5 times per night.

With regards to the Evamist... I am still having a few hot flashes at night. On Tuesday it will be 2 weeks and I can start taking 2 sprays per day. I am in high hopes that this will be the magic dosage that will banish the hot flashes and help me to feel more like my old self. Lately I am concerned about my memory, or lack of it. Sometimes I just can't think of the right word. I know it is there, but it is just lost. Very frustrating.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bemoaning Potlucks

What evil person devised this manner of socializing? Some days I do
better than others. This weekend has not been a great example of
discipline and restraint on my part. What makes me think, while in the
midst of deciding to take that next bite, that it won't matter or that
the taste will be worth the consequences? Some malevolent force
overcomes me, I'm sure, and makes all my reason take flight.

Thus continues the ongoing struggle. Will it ever become easier?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Other Life Changes - Weight Loss

I lost another 1.6 pounds at my Weight Watchers weigh-in today. That makes a total of 36.6 pounds lost since I started this journey early last year. I am finding Weight Watchers to be a flexible plan that allows me to live in the real world and helps me make the best choices so I can move closer to my goal of being healthy and fit. I still have a ways to go, but I don't mind it taking a while, especially since the trade-off is that I get to have my favorite foods, attend regular pot lucks and get togethers with friends for cocktails and appetizers (we are boaters, after all).

Today we talked about keeping track of what we eat. Everything. This is surely the key to success. Tonight before dinner I carefully calculated my points and found that I was 2 points short of having enough for my favorite dessert. So I gave my husband half my avocado serving and gained the needed points.

Hey, it is time to go get that ice cream now :-)

1/2 cup Breyers fat free vanilla or chocolate ice cream (1 point)
2 Tablespoons PB2 powdered peanut butter (1 point)
Mush it all together and enjoy a sinful tasting 2 point dessert. YUM!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Week

It has been a week since I began using one daily spray of the Evamist estrogen. I believe that the left over effects of the patch I was using before have worn off by now. My doctor said she was hoping that the dosage of one spray daily would do the trick. At this point I am not holding out too much hope for that result.

The last 2 nights I have had some bad hot flashes/night sweats, especially the night before last. We were sleeping on the boat, which we do often these days, and it was very cool at night. Still it seems like I was sweating all night and did not sleep well. We had been drinking red wine that evening, so perhaps that had an effect. Last night (no wine) was better, sleeping at home, but still was pretty sweaty. I have one more week at the one spray dosage so I will see if things get better.

Some good news is that I am getting up less times at night to go to the bathroom. I will continue the baking soda cocktail before bed to see if this continues. Last night I did not take it and got up once, but then it seemed like I really should not have needed to go (by the result), so maybe that baking soda routine works. More research is needed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Evamist is a natural, plant based hormone. One spray on my inside
forearm is the dose I will take daily for 2 weeks. Then 2 sprays daily
for 2 weeks, and 3 sprays daily for 2 weeks last. Then in consultation
with the doctor I will decide which dose works best for me.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Pause to Consider Menopause

I need a place to record my thoughts and experiences and, despite the personal nature of my journey, I think this may be a good place to do it. Other women have no doubt had similar experiences and may relate, or even have some wisdom to share.

As I write this I am 57+ years old and have been experiencing the symptoms of menopause for the last 7 years. At first it was just hot flashes or night sweats which were not too bothersome until I met and married my husband in 2003. When there is someone else in the bed with you it is easier to notice the "turned up heat" and the excess sweating, some of which is no doubt caused by there being someone else in the bed with me. As time went on I noticed my memory slipping as I often search for words that are just on the tip of my tongue. Sleeping through the night uninterrupted is only a fond memory. I think I am a lot more irritable than I used to be, some of which I'm sure is warranted with a teenager turned college student in the house. But the short fuse is hard on my husband as well.

Of course I went to my doctor (2003) and was given a prescription for estrogen and progesterone tablets (made from mare's urine, I later learned). But they made me feel better and that was all I cared about at the time. In 2005 I had a cyst on one of my ovaries so, at the advice of my doctor, I had both ovaries removed, leaving the uterus. By then I was concerned about the pills I was taking for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). My gynecologist put me on Climara Pro, a combined estrogen/progesterone once weekly patch. I have been on and off this same patch from then until today, nearly 4 years.

I have not been comfortable with this solution for at least a couple of years, but like many women I'm sure, I just put up with it thinking that there was probably not a better solution and anyway there were so many other people to take care of in my life. It was just never my turn to take care of myself. Lately I've been unemployed and watch some TV. More and more women are talking about taking care of themselves as a priority and it is inspiring. I heard about new solutions for improving my life after menopause and I wanted to know it it could be a possibility for me. So I looked up my medical insurance provider directory and found one woman doctor with her own Women's Center in Bellevue where I live. Her website was interesting and seemed to promise a different approach that included both lifestyle and hormone recommendations. I procured the needed referral and booked my first appointment.

Today I met Dr. Avandano for the first time. She was amazing, knowledgeable, funny, opinionated and so enthusiastic about the subject of menopause. She had my file in front of her with notes she had already made and seemed genuinely excited to talk to me, absolutely certain that she was going to make a difference in my life. My husband Al came with me and I'm sure glad he did. I can't imagine having to explain all that she told me in the 45 minutes or so she spent with me.

I will write more about details as time goes along. The end result was that she gave me a topical estrogen spray that I am to begin using tomorrow. Over the next 6 weeks I will try different levels of dosing to determine the best dose for me. She also asked me to take 1 tsp baking soda in a glass of water before bed to reduce the irritation on my bladder, hoping to reduce the number of times I wake up at night.

I feel better already knowing I have a plan.